Few hours ago, I and a boss met with a senator who expressed his opinion on the recent outburst and the mind boggling revelation, campaign of calumny and the hate speeches being dished out on social media especially on Facebook and Whatsapp. He was shocked and surprised how people have gone making tissue out of no issue. Particularly, on the issue of cake and peanut involved in any struggle and the castigation of individual character. This is not only heart-aching but shameful.
Permit me to ask some questions; is there any pleasure we derive from LAUTECH predicament ? What’s the motive behind the re-opening of the institution ? Are you satisfied seeing the students on street while their mates are presently in class room or advancing to another level ? How true is your stewardship ? How sincere is your concern towards our plight ? Yes, you want us to believe you are doing everything within your ability and capacity to solve the school problem but in real sense, you are on a counter score, condemning and criticizing the initiative and movement aim to solve the school problem. You keep introducing weird monopoly mischief to torpedo the effort of a group or individual towards the re-opening of the school. This is indeed pathetic and worrisome.
Who cares about who take the glory ? What’s our business about who finally hold the twine in his hand or wear the crown ? For all we care for is resumption. I’ve studied keenly about the power tussle going on in the camp of Alumni. I’ve seen, investigated and know why all these are happening. This is not far-fetched from the fact that ALUMNI election is coming up in November. But should that be a reason for this hullabaloo and exchange of words ? Should that call for hate speeches, comments and chats ? If the students’ leaders were having this kind of issues amongst themselves, who do we expect to settle it for them? I think it’s high time the elders throw away their ego and come together as one. They need to understand the fact that we are watching and as such, should shield their swords for the sake of their Alma Matter.
The show of shame being exhibited is bad effect on the future of LAUTECH. In Fact, very pathetic that one need to be very prayerful and sure it won’t create another problem while trying to solve an already worse situation. The time for the greatest synergy between all the pressure groups wanting progress for the LAUTECH especially the fundLAUTECH and the national Alumni can not be later. Let’s salvage the situation collectively today under a unified voice and transparency as tomorrow might be too late.
To this end, I say equivocally without equivocation that LAUTECH is blessed with great potentials and highly influential personalities. This is a noble fact that no one would frontally oppose too. On this note, we say a very big thank you to all members of LAUTECH DEFENDERS group especially the Alumni, staff, and the cool headed students. We know how important you are, and as such, your active participation is much expected. Thanks and God bless.
May LAUTECH rise again !
Oyedeji Ahmed ( LMP )